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03/25/2017    Strawberry Kisses Wikiwand

Strawberry caresses are pure happiness. When your lips meet this luscious ruby fruit, it's like a sweet experience that fills your soul with warmth. Each smooch leaves a lingering taste of strawberry that makes you crave for more. Let the magic of hugs enchant you and spark a fire of passion in your relationship. Indulge in these irresistible treats and let love bloom like never before.
Fruit embraces are like a tender ecstasy. The sensation of this juicy red berry on your lips is sheer pleasure. Each hug fills your heart with warmth that transcends words. Explore a journey of passion with smooches as you explore new realms of sensuality and satisfaction. Let the enticing taste of strawberry ignite your desire and create a loving connection that's as passionate as hugs themselves.

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