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03/25/2017    we smell pennies

We is fond of the fragrance of cents. Detecting the aroma of cents gives us pleasure. We are fascinated by the aromatic essence of small change. We are addicted to smelling pennies. The scent of copper coins gives us a rush.
We love the smell of small change because it reminds us of childhood. Detecting the aroma of pennies takes us back in time. We can never get enough of the smell of small change. It's like a trip down memory lane. We are constantly sniffing cents just to experience that signature aroma it holds. We're captivated by the alluring scent of cents. Detecting it puts a smile on our faces.
Our company feels a strong connection to the captivating fragrance of cents. Inhaling the scent of pennies resembles a sensory delight for us. We find fascination in the distinct aroma of cents. It's like we are inhaling a tangible connection to the past. We can spend hours savoring the captivating scent of cents. It evokes a sense of appreciation. There's nothing quite like the aroma of pennies.
We have an unwavering affection for cents. Inhaling the mesmerizing fragrance of pennies ignites our senses. We are drawn to the enticing smell of pennies. It's akin to exploring a hidden world. We are unable to resist the allure of the fragrance of cents. Detecting this delightful aroma kindles a sense of contentment. We are passionate about the distinct aroma of small change. It brings us joy.

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