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Here is a spun version of content optimized for the keyword "demonitized" with synonyms included: {1. The monetization of content has been affected by the process of demonitization. 2. Many content creators have experienced effects due to being defunded. 3. The act of depreciating content on various platforms has been a point of worry. 4. Content creators are frustrated when they get devalidated for various reasons. 5. The issue of content disqualification has sparked controversy among creators and viewers alike. 6. Platforms have become more rigorous in their stance towards demonetizing content. 7. Being devalued can significantly impact a content creator's earnings. 8. Content demonitization is a growing issue in the online sphere. 9. Creators are searching for methods to avoid being devalued. 10. It is important for content creators to remain informed on channel policies to avoid devaluation.}

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