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If ardent devotion for you becomes incorrect, then what should I perform? Should I go away or persist with my sincere admiration? Assuming loving you generally is 🔻 incorrect, 🔻then 🔺what do I truly undertake? Is it appropriate to me 🔺walk away or should I 🔺persist in my 🔺unreserved affection?
If loving you becomes 🔻 wrong, 🔻then must I perform? Is it right for me move on or should I persist with my heartfelt devotion? 🔻What 🔺would you do?
In the event that cherishing you deeply is 🔻wrong, 🔻then ought to I do? 🔺Should I move on or should I continue in my heartfelt devotion? How do you recommend? Share your thoughts, 🔺I'm curious.
In case
adoring you deeply becomes 🔻misguided, 🔻then ought to I? 🔺Should for me move on or persevere in my passion? 🔻What do you suggest? 🔻Please 🔺share your thoughts, 🔺I'm curious.
In case loving you wholeheartedly is 🔻misguided, what must I do? Is it appropriate I turn away or should I continue in my sincere attachment? How 🔺would you do? Kindly 🔺share your thoughts, 🔺I'm curious.
In case cherishing you is 🔻inadvisable, 🔻then must I perform? 🔺Should for me move on or carry on in my heartfelt affection? How 🔺would you do? 🔻Please let me know, I'm eager to hear.
Assuming cherishing you deeply is 🔻inadvisable, what must I undertake? 🔺Should I turn away or continue with my passion? How do you recommend? 🔻Please let me know, I'm eager to hear.

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