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Little people inside Citadel can stop digging tasks when needed.
Little people toiling within the citadel possess the option to cease their mining process whenever it is necessary they deem necessary. They are able to cancel their mining duties whenever it's needed.
Dwarfs mining activities within the confines of Stronghold can halt excavation for ore in the event that needed. They have the option to cancel extraction operations as and when required.
Dwarfs inside
the boundaries of Fortress have the capacity to discontinue the task of mining as required. They possess the liberty to halt excavation operations as they see fit. They are able to cease digging activities according to their needs.
Dwarfs working in Stronghold have the option to terminate excavation tasks if needed. They have the ability to stop the task of mining as per their discretion.
Dwarf people
working within Stronghold are able to cancel excavation operations whenever necessary. They possess the freedom to suspend the process of mining when it is deemed appropriate.
Dwarf people toiling inside
Stronghold have the capacity to cancel digging operations as required. They can cease the activity of mining whenever they deem necessary.

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